OURTOWNRADIO.NET is here to give you, the fiercely independent artist, a place to showcase your unique talents easily, and free of heavy monthly fees for things you don’t need. We’re here to help you not have to string together six different platforms just to get your creations seen and heard.

And fear not, fans. We're here for you, too. You, the supporters of great talent and artistry, we've created a place for you to easily to discover the freshest new artists out there, whether you're on the hunt for your next favorite summer jam, or just need a quick chill soundtrack.

OURTOWNRADIO.NET is more than just a website. It’s a team of hard-working programmers, designers, and music lovers. It’s a group of people that’s about the music and who put their hearts and souls into OURTOWNRADIO.NET. And it’s you - our passionate and creative clients.

We aim to provide you with the best possible experience and world-class support.

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